Cloud-based web harvesting application for a New York City financial services firm

Cloud-based web harvesting application for a New York City financial services firm

Customer Profile

This New York City financial services firm was looking to implement a cloud-based web harvesting application that mines data from various websites of interest and provides its research team with additional insight into trading decisions.


  • Migrate to AWS cloud for web harvesting application
  • Price sensitive to technology services
  • Need extensive AWS expertise

Ingways Solution

Utilizing the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework, Ingways showed the customer how to align their cloud strategies and goals to their business strategies and goals.

The customer was now able to identify the gaps in their current organizational capabilities and devise workstreams to close those gaps and meet their cloud adoption goals.

Remove single points of failure

Robust backup and recovery plan

Reduce cost and create resiliency and availability

Ability to scale toward global model

Securely protect application

Reduced risk of cross environment contamination and separate environment for testing allows control and quality assurance

Customer Benefits

INGWAYS proposed designing and architecting the application in the AWS cloud, which would provide a resilient and scalable architecture leveraging AWS cloud native technologies. The proposal included a design document highlighting the current landscape, requirements for transformation and a “to be” design intended to maximize deployment capabilities while balancing cost.

  • Customer saw immense value in leveraging cloud for new application workloads and modern application architectures.
  • Clear understanding of application workloads and how they can be moved to cloud.
  • Lower cost compared to on-premises or hosted environment.
  • Automated disaster recovery plan.
  • Supports expanding application environments at a much lower cost than a comparable on-premises or hosted environment.
  • Requires less time to manage, administer and update.
  • Provides agility, scalability, and improved performance to better address business opportunities and enhance user productivity.
  • Reduces risk and minimizes the frequency of application downtime.


  • Remove single points of failure and leverage cloud native technologies to reduce cost and create resiliency and availability of applications.
  • Separate development and production environments to greatly reduce the risk of cross environment contamination and increase footprint availability moving towards the future.
  • Ability to scale towards a global distribution model by leveraging multiple regions within the AWS infrastructure if so desired.
  • Utilize AWS data centers and network architectures that meet the requirements of the most security sensitive organizations.